Believe . Patience . Strive . Dream . Passion . Beautiful . One . Home . Family . Friends . Love . Life

February 22, 2009


lol..everyone is sooo hyper right now.mostly,in love ahh..including me!!hehe..i'm happy for u can make u happy n sad..whn u're happy,enjoy ur time!cause MAYBE it will nvr happen again..whn u're sad,get over it!life goes on!don't make ur life empty just because of that someone..but it DOES takes time to get over that kind of feeling..yeah2..bla bla bla..i'm REALLY happy right now!!!dpt gak msg2 ngan dier..ngee..=DD but he has to go back to asrama..xpela..umah dkt je..^_^

p.s bkn amir k!!x suke dier dh!!bole ke ciput ckp aku suke dier lgi??dr thn 4 sampai skang?? haha..lame tuhh..BUKAN DIER!!