Believe . Patience . Strive . Dream . Passion . Beautiful . One . Home . Family . Friends . Love . Life

August 21, 2009

bye2 exam , hello holidays !

hye ! ohohoh , exam week is over ! ohh yeah ! holidays , here i come . haha . after skool , my friends & i were like " OHH YEAH ! WEEE ! YAY ! " . haha . irfan x habis2 ckp , " ala , xpe . cuti dah . " he keep saying that again & again . haha . mse dlm van , he ate some crontoz . ade aa style dier tuh . i was sitting behind him . he was giving me those puppy eyes kinda look . lps tuh , ade crontoz t'jatoh . haha . dier pon t'gelak . mmg x leh blaa . ramadhan is tomorrow ! wee :) . & tomorrow also represents the 7th anniversary of our friendship , B :D . wow , 7 years ! aww ;') . i miss those old days . haha . anyways , here's to our 7 years of friendship ! :)